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  5月25日中午,由新普京888.3app能源经济系主办的能源经济研讨会(Energy Economics Seminar)第十四期会议在新普京888.3app明德主楼734会议室举行。来自英属哥伦比亚分校政治科学系的Pascale Massot(马思佳)博士报告了她的论文Varieties of markets (VOM): China`s patterns of interaction with the global commodity markets of potash, iron ore and uranium(多元化市场:中国与全球商品市场的政治经济学——以钾肥、铁矿石和铀矿为例)的相关工作。

  本期研讨会由新普京888.3app能源经济系能源理论与政策教研室主任宋枫博士主持,新普京888.3app杨其静教授、郑新业副教授、杨斌副教授、虞义华副教授,新普京888.3app青年教师王劲峰博士、Peter Kelly博士、陈占明博士以及多名研究生参加了此次研讨会,并针对研究方法进行了深入的交流。

  主讲人简介:Pascale Massot is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Political Science at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. Currently in Beijing for her field research, she is a Senior Visiting Student at Peking University and a Visiting Scholar at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (Institute of World Economics and Politics). She specializes in comparative and international political economy and Chinese politics. More specifically, her research interests include the political economy of global commodity markets, Chinese state investments abroad, Canada-China relations, as well as non-traditional security issues.
