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“How to study (with or without graduation) in Toulouse School of Economics, in master or PhD programs? ”

October 16, 2014(Thursday), 3:00 pm
at Room 729, Mingde Main Building, 
Renmin University of China

TSE (http://www.ecole.tse-fr.eu/en  and  http://www.tse-fr.eu/index.php?lang=en) is a worldwide known department of economics, ranked among the top 10 best departments in the world (see http://ideas.repec.org/top/top.econdept.html ) . 
A large part of the faculty and the students in TSE come from the very best international universities: for instance, half of the students in our graduate programs are foreigners.
TSE offers a two-year graduate program (called master, fully taught in English), leading to top economist careers in companies, public authorities and international institutions; and a five year PhD program (also taught in English), leading to academic career. 
Both programs are very selective. 
To know more, look at: http://ecole.tse-fr.eu/en/programs/graduate and http://ecole.tse-fr.eu/en/programs/doctoral-program.

Admission is free but please register in advance.
Contact: mileylv@ruc.edu.cn