- 办公室:明德楼主楼953
- 职称/职务:教授
- 办公电话:
- 所属教研室:国际经济系-国际贸易教研室
- 电子邮箱:Kfzhu AT ruc.edu.cn
- 研究领域:全球价值链量化、产业经济学、贸易与环境经济、投入产出技术等
祝坤福,王家荣,李善同,制造业企业在中国经济双循环中的比较优势分析——基于企业异质性视角[J]. 管理世界,2024 年第9期:1-23
祝坤福 王家荣 肖振宇,生产化还是服务化: 价值链视角下中国制造业出口隐含的职业收入结构变化分析[J]. 国际贸易问题,2024 年第 8 期:36-54
陈锡康, 杨翠红, 祝坤福, 王会娟, 李鑫茹, 姜青言,2021 年中国经济增长速度的 预测分析与政策建议,中国科学院院刊 2020, 36 (1), 37-46
祝坤福, 高翔, 杨翠红, 汪寿阳,新冠肺炎疫情对全球生产体系的冲击和我国产业链加速外移的风险分析,中国科学院院刊 2020, 35 (3), 283-288
陈锡康, 杨翠红, 鲍勤, 祝坤福, 王会娟, 姜青言, 汪寿阳,新冠肺炎疫情对中国经济的影响分析与对策建议,中国科学院院刊 2020, 35(1), 1-5
周琢, 祝坤福, 外资企业的要素属权结构与出口增加值的收益归属, 中国工业经济,2020(01):118-135.
田开兰,祝坤福,杨翠红,中国出口比较优势分析——基于不同贸易方式生产异质性的研究,中国管理科学, 2017, (09): 1-10.
蒋雪梅,祝坤福. 基于内外资企业能耗强度差异的工业节能潜力分析. 管理评论,2017,(01):12-18+92.
刘斌,魏倩,吕越,祝坤福. 制造业服务化与价值链升级. 经济研究,2016,(03):151-162.
杨晓光,杨翠红,陈锡康,祝坤福,鲍勤,王会娟,邵燕敏. 2016年中国经济增长形势展望. 中国科学院院刊,2015,(06):810-817+784.
祝坤福,陈锡康,杨翠红,中国出口的国内增加值及其影响因素分析, 国际经济评论, 2013年第4期, 116-127页
段玉婉,蒋雪梅,祝坤福,杨翠红, 我国对美、欧、日货物出口对我国经济的影响分析, 世界经济研究, 2012年第4期, 58-63页
段玉婉,蒋雪梅,祝坤福,陈锡康,杨翠红, 出口对中国就业的影响分析-欧美日对比分析,数学的实践与认识,2012年第16期,50-58页
段玉婉,祝坤福,陈锡康,杨翠红,区分内外资企业和贸易方式的非竞争型投入产出模型,系统工程理论与实践,2013年第9期: 2204-2211页
陈锡康,陈全润,杨翠红,祝坤福,2030年中国的经济规模 --与林毅夫先生商榷,中国社会科学(内刊),2010年第5期
丁先军,杨翠红,祝坤福,基于投入-产出模型的灾害经济影响评价方法,自然灾害学报, 2010年第2期 113-118页
Lawrence J. Lau,陈锡康,杨翠红, Leonard K. Cheng, K. C. Fung, Yun-Wing Sung, 祝坤福,裴建锁,唐志鹏. 非竞争型投入占用产出新模型及其应用--中美贸易顺差透视,中国社会科学,2007年第5期. 91-103页
祝坤福,唐志鹏,裴建锁,陈锡康,杨翠红 (2007). 出口对中国经济增长的贡献率分析,《管理评论》,19(9): 42-45页
郭菊娥,祝坤福,邢公奇. 基于数学规划模型的金融资源配置测算分析. 西安工程科技学院学报,2005,(02):129-133.
郭菊娥,张捷,邢公奇,祝坤福. 金融投入占用产出表及其应用研究. 财政研究, 2004,(10):31-35.
郭菊娥,祝坤福,白冰洋. 金融投入占用产出交互影响效应的理论与实证研究[J]. 科学技术与工程,2004,(07):618-623.
X Huang, Q He, Z Zhang, K Zhu,Two sides of the same coin: The economic and environmental effects of China's international trade from a global value chain perspective, China Economic Review, Volume 79, 2023, 101952,
X Guo, D Xu, K Zhu, Measuring digitalization effects in China: A global value chain perspective, China Economic Review, Volume 81, 2023, 102021,
Z Wang, SJ Wei, X Yu, and K Zhu (2022) “Global value chains over business cycles,” Journal of International Money and Finance, 2022, 126, 102643.
K Zhu, X Guo, Z Zhang, Reevaluation of the carbon emissions embodied in global value chains based on an inter-country input-output model with multinational enterprises, Applied Energy, 2022, Volume 307, 118220
Z Zhang, D Guan, R Wang, J Meng, H Zheng, K Zhu, H Du,Embodied carbon emissions in the supply chains of multinational enterprises,Nature Climate Change 10 (12), 1096-1101
Q Chen, X Chen, J Pei, C Yang, K Zhu,Estimating domestic content in China’s exports: Accounting for a dual-trade regime,Economic Modelling 89, 43-54
Z Zhang, J Meng, H Zheng, K Zhu, H Du, D Guan,Production globalization makes China’s exports cleaner,One Earth 2 (5), 468-478
Z Zhang, ZX Zhang, K Zhu,Allocating carbon responsibility: the role of spatial production fragmentation,Energy Economics 87,
K Zhu, X Jiang,Slowing down of globalization and global CO2 emissions–A causal or casual association? Energy Economics 84,
Q Chen, K Zhu, P Liu, X Chen, K Tian, L Yang, C Yang,Distinguishing China's processing trade in the world input-output table and quantifying its effects,Economic Systems Research 31 (3), 361-381
Z Zhang, K Zhu,Border carbon adjustments for exports of the United States and the European Union: Taking border-crossing frequency into account,Applied Energy 201, 188-199
Z Zhang, K Zhu, GJD Hewings,The effects of border-crossing frequencies associated with carbon footprints on border carbon adjustments,Energy Economics 65, 105-114
Z Zhang, K Zhu, GJD Hewings,A multi-regional input–output analysis of the pollution haven hypothesis from the perspective of global production fragmentation,Energy Economics 64, 13-23
X Jiang, K Zhu, S Wang,The potential for reducing China's carbon dioxide emissions: Role of foreign-invested enterprises,Global Environmental Change 35, 22-30
X Jiang, D Guan, J Zhang, K Zhu, C Green,Firm ownership, China's export related emissions, and the responsibility issue,Energy economics 51, 466-474
X Jiang, K Zhu, C Green,The energy efficiency advantage of foreign-invested enterprises in China and the role of structural differences,China Economic Review 34, 225-235
X Jiang, K Zhu, C Green,China's energy saving potential from the perspective of energy efficiency advantages of foreign-invested enterprises,Energy Economics 49, 104-112
H Ma, Z Wang, K Zhu,Domestic content in China’s exports and its distribution by firm ownership,Journal of Comparative Economics 43 (1), 3-18
C Yang, E Dietzenbacher, J Pei, X Chen, K Zhu, Z Tang,Processing trade biases the measurement of vertical specialization in China,Economic Systems Research 27 (1), 60-76
X Chen, LK Cheng, KC Fung, LJ Lau, YW Sung, K Zhu, C Yang, J Pei, Z Tang,Domestic value added and employment generated by Chinese exports: A quantitative estimation,China Economic Review 23 (4), 850-864
Y Duan, C Yang, K Zhu, X Chen,Does the domestic value added induced by China's exports really belong to China? China & World Economy 20 (5), 83-102
祝坤福 王家荣 肖振宇,生产化还是服务化: 价值链视角下中国制造业出口隐含的职业收入结构变化分析[J]. 国际贸易问题,2024 年第 8 期:36-54
陈锡康, 杨翠红, 祝坤福, 王会娟, 李鑫茹, 姜青言,2021 年中国经济增长速度的 预测分析与政策建议,中国科学院院刊 2020, 36 (1), 37-46
祝坤福, 高翔, 杨翠红, 汪寿阳,新冠肺炎疫情对全球生产体系的冲击和我国产业链加速外移的风险分析,中国科学院院刊 2020, 35 (3), 283-288
陈锡康, 杨翠红, 鲍勤, 祝坤福, 王会娟, 姜青言, 汪寿阳,新冠肺炎疫情对中国经济的影响分析与对策建议,中国科学院院刊 2020, 35(1), 1-5
周琢, 祝坤福, 外资企业的要素属权结构与出口增加值的收益归属, 中国工业经济,2020(01):118-135.
田开兰,祝坤福,杨翠红,中国出口比较优势分析——基于不同贸易方式生产异质性的研究,中国管理科学, 2017, (09): 1-10.
蒋雪梅,祝坤福. 基于内外资企业能耗强度差异的工业节能潜力分析. 管理评论,2017,(01):12-18+92.
刘斌,魏倩,吕越,祝坤福. 制造业服务化与价值链升级. 经济研究,2016,(03):151-162.
杨晓光,杨翠红,陈锡康,祝坤福,鲍勤,王会娟,邵燕敏. 2016年中国经济增长形势展望. 中国科学院院刊,2015,(06):810-817+784.
祝坤福,陈锡康,杨翠红,中国出口的国内增加值及其影响因素分析, 国际经济评论, 2013年第4期, 116-127页
段玉婉,蒋雪梅,祝坤福,杨翠红, 我国对美、欧、日货物出口对我国经济的影响分析, 世界经济研究, 2012年第4期, 58-63页
段玉婉,蒋雪梅,祝坤福,陈锡康,杨翠红, 出口对中国就业的影响分析-欧美日对比分析,数学的实践与认识,2012年第16期,50-58页
段玉婉,祝坤福,陈锡康,杨翠红,区分内外资企业和贸易方式的非竞争型投入产出模型,系统工程理论与实践,2013年第9期: 2204-2211页
陈锡康,陈全润,杨翠红,祝坤福,2030年中国的经济规模 --与林毅夫先生商榷,中国社会科学(内刊),2010年第5期
丁先军,杨翠红,祝坤福,基于投入-产出模型的灾害经济影响评价方法,自然灾害学报, 2010年第2期 113-118页
Lawrence J. Lau,陈锡康,杨翠红, Leonard K. Cheng, K. C. Fung, Yun-Wing Sung, 祝坤福,裴建锁,唐志鹏. 非竞争型投入占用产出新模型及其应用--中美贸易顺差透视,中国社会科学,2007年第5期. 91-103页
祝坤福,唐志鹏,裴建锁,陈锡康,杨翠红 (2007). 出口对中国经济增长的贡献率分析,《管理评论》,19(9): 42-45页
郭菊娥,祝坤福,邢公奇. 基于数学规划模型的金融资源配置测算分析. 西安工程科技学院学报,2005,(02):129-133.
郭菊娥,张捷,邢公奇,祝坤福. 金融投入占用产出表及其应用研究. 财政研究, 2004,(10):31-35.
郭菊娥,祝坤福,白冰洋. 金融投入占用产出交互影响效应的理论与实证研究[J]. 科学技术与工程,2004,(07):618-623.
X Huang, Q He, Z Zhang, K Zhu,Two sides of the same coin: The economic and environmental effects of China's international trade from a global value chain perspective, China Economic Review, Volume 79, 2023, 101952,
X Guo, D Xu, K Zhu, Measuring digitalization effects in China: A global value chain perspective, China Economic Review, Volume 81, 2023, 102021,
Z Wang, SJ Wei, X Yu, and K Zhu (2022) “Global value chains over business cycles,” Journal of International Money and Finance, 2022, 126, 102643.
K Zhu, X Guo, Z Zhang, Reevaluation of the carbon emissions embodied in global value chains based on an inter-country input-output model with multinational enterprises, Applied Energy, 2022, Volume 307, 118220
Z Zhang, D Guan, R Wang, J Meng, H Zheng, K Zhu, H Du,Embodied carbon emissions in the supply chains of multinational enterprises,Nature Climate Change 10 (12), 1096-1101
Q Chen, X Chen, J Pei, C Yang, K Zhu,Estimating domestic content in China’s exports: Accounting for a dual-trade regime,Economic Modelling 89, 43-54
Z Zhang, J Meng, H Zheng, K Zhu, H Du, D Guan,Production globalization makes China’s exports cleaner,One Earth 2 (5), 468-478
Z Zhang, ZX Zhang, K Zhu,Allocating carbon responsibility: the role of spatial production fragmentation,Energy Economics 87,
K Zhu, X Jiang,Slowing down of globalization and global CO2 emissions–A causal or casual association? Energy Economics 84,
Q Chen, K Zhu, P Liu, X Chen, K Tian, L Yang, C Yang,Distinguishing China's processing trade in the world input-output table and quantifying its effects,Economic Systems Research 31 (3), 361-381
Z Zhang, K Zhu,Border carbon adjustments for exports of the United States and the European Union: Taking border-crossing frequency into account,Applied Energy 201, 188-199
Z Zhang, K Zhu, GJD Hewings,The effects of border-crossing frequencies associated with carbon footprints on border carbon adjustments,Energy Economics 65, 105-114
Z Zhang, K Zhu, GJD Hewings,A multi-regional input–output analysis of the pollution haven hypothesis from the perspective of global production fragmentation,Energy Economics 64, 13-23
X Jiang, K Zhu, S Wang,The potential for reducing China's carbon dioxide emissions: Role of foreign-invested enterprises,Global Environmental Change 35, 22-30
X Jiang, D Guan, J Zhang, K Zhu, C Green,Firm ownership, China's export related emissions, and the responsibility issue,Energy economics 51, 466-474
X Jiang, K Zhu, C Green,The energy efficiency advantage of foreign-invested enterprises in China and the role of structural differences,China Economic Review 34, 225-235
X Jiang, K Zhu, C Green,China's energy saving potential from the perspective of energy efficiency advantages of foreign-invested enterprises,Energy Economics 49, 104-112
H Ma, Z Wang, K Zhu,Domestic content in China’s exports and its distribution by firm ownership,Journal of Comparative Economics 43 (1), 3-18
C Yang, E Dietzenbacher, J Pei, X Chen, K Zhu, Z Tang,Processing trade biases the measurement of vertical specialization in China,Economic Systems Research 27 (1), 60-76
X Chen, LK Cheng, KC Fung, LJ Lau, YW Sung, K Zhu, C Yang, J Pei, Z Tang,Domestic value added and employment generated by Chinese exports: A quantitative estimation,China Economic Review 23 (4), 850-864
Y Duan, C Yang, K Zhu, X Chen,Does the domestic value added induced by China's exports really belong to China? China & World Economy 20 (5), 83-102
Measuring domestic factor content in bilateral and sectoral-level trade flows. Working paper series, National Bureau of Economic Research, No. w30953, With Z Wang, SJ Wei
Tracing Value Added in the Presence of Foreign Direct Investment,NBER Working Paper (2021), No.29335, With Z Wang, SJ Wei, X Yu
Re-examining the Effects of Trading with China on Local Labor Markets: A Supply Chain Perspective, NBER Working Papers, No. 24886, August 2018, With Z Wang, SJ Wei, X Yu, http://www.nber.org/papers/w24886
Measures of Participation in Global Value Chains and Global Business Cycles, NBER Working Papers, No. 23222, http://www.nber.org/papers/w23222, With Z Wang, SJ Wei, X Yu
Characterizing Global Value Chains: Production Length and Upstreamness, NBER Working Papers, No. 23261, http://www.nber.org/papers/w23261, With Z Wang, SJ Wei, X Yu
Quantifying International Production Sharing at the Bilateral and Sector Level, Issued in NBER Working Papers, No. 19677, November 2013. With Z. Wang and S. Wei, http://www.nber.org/papers/w19677
Learning about global value chains by looking beyond official trade data: Part 1. VOX by the CEPR, April 2014, With Z. Wang and S. Wei
Learning about global value chains by looking beyond official trade data: Part 2. VOX by the CEPR, April 2014, With Z. Wang and S. Wei
Tracing Value Added in the Presence of Foreign Direct Investment,NBER Working Paper (2021), No.29335, With Z Wang, SJ Wei, X Yu
Re-examining the Effects of Trading with China on Local Labor Markets: A Supply Chain Perspective, NBER Working Papers, No. 24886, August 2018, With Z Wang, SJ Wei, X Yu, http://www.nber.org/papers/w24886
Measures of Participation in Global Value Chains and Global Business Cycles, NBER Working Papers, No. 23222, http://www.nber.org/papers/w23222, With Z Wang, SJ Wei, X Yu
Characterizing Global Value Chains: Production Length and Upstreamness, NBER Working Papers, No. 23261, http://www.nber.org/papers/w23261, With Z Wang, SJ Wei, X Yu
Quantifying International Production Sharing at the Bilateral and Sector Level, Issued in NBER Working Papers, No. 19677, November 2013. With Z. Wang and S. Wei, http://www.nber.org/papers/w19677
Learning about global value chains by looking beyond official trade data: Part 1. VOX by the CEPR, April 2014, With Z. Wang and S. Wei
Learning about global value chains by looking beyond official trade data: Part 2. VOX by the CEPR, April 2014, With Z. Wang and S. Wei
基于国际投入产出模型的中国贸易价值链分解及其应用研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2015,主持人 结题评估获“优”
全国粮食需求预测与粮食供给率研究: 基于全球价值链视角,中国科学院,2017,主持人
全球价值链与我国产业升级研究, 对外经济贸易大学学术创新团队,2016, 主持人
基于国际投入产出模型的中国贸易价值链分解及其应用研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2015,主持人 结题评估获“优”
全国粮食需求预测与粮食供给率研究: 基于全球价值链视角,中国科学院,2017,主持人
全球价值链与我国产业升级研究, 对外经济贸易大学学术创新团队,2016, 主持人
担任国家自然科学基金委和北京市自然科学基金委项目通讯评审专家。担任World Economy, Applied Energy, Energy Economics, China Economic Review, Review of World Economics, The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development,《中国社会科学》、《经济研究》、《管理世界》、《管理科学学报》、《中国工业经济》、《世界经济》、《系统工程理论与实践》、《国际贸易问题》、《管理评论》、《经济科学》和《产业经济评论》等期刊的匿名审稿人。
担任国家自然科学基金委和北京市自然科学基金委项目通讯评审专家。担任World Economy, Applied Energy, Energy Economics, China Economic Review, Review of World Economics, The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development,《中国社会科学》、《经济研究》、《管理世界》、《管理科学学报》、《中国工业经济》、《世界经济》、《系统工程理论与实践》、《国际贸易问题》、《管理评论》、《经济科学》和《产业经济评论》等期刊的匿名审稿人。