- 办公室:明德主楼722
- 职称/职务:教授
- 办公电话:010-82500196
- 所属教研室:经济系-政治经济学教研室
- 电子邮箱:diclo999 AT sina.com
- 研究领域:中国的工业化和经济发展,企业体制改革和业绩,后进发展理论,政治经济学比较研究
新普京888.3app教授、比较政治经济学研究中心主任,英国伦敦大学亚非学院经济系非 讲座教授 (Reader)
1994 年 英国利兹大学经济学博士
1991 年 英国东英吉利大学发展经济学硕士
1987 年 香港中文大学社会科学(经济学)学士
1991 年 英国东英吉利大学发展经济学硕士
1987 年 香港中文大学社会科学(经济学)学士
2012. Alternatives to Neoliberal Globalization: Studies in the Political Economy of Institutions and Late Development. Basingstoke and London, Macmillan-Palgrave; New York, St. Martin’s.
2001.《变革性经济增长中国经济的制度与结构分析》,2001 年,北京,经济 科学出版社。
2013.‘融资约束、营运资本管理与企业创新可持续性’(与鞠晓生、虞义华合 著),《经济研究》,2013 年(第 48 卷)第 1 期 4-16 页。
2012. ‘The cost and benefit of banking regulations and controls, Chinese style’ (with Xiaosheng Ju) , PSL Quarterly Review, 66 (263): 385-402.
2012.‘马克思主义经济学的全球化理论:一个阐释’,《天津商业大学学报》, 2012 年(第 32 卷)第 1 期 3-6 页。
2011. ‘China’s economic growth, 1978-2007: structural-institutional changes and efficiency attributes’ (with Guicai Li), Journal of Post-Keynesian Economics, 34 (1): 59-84.
2011. ‘Financial governance and economic development: making sense of the Chinese experience’ (with Guicai Li and Yingquan Jiang) , PSL Quarterly Review, 64 (258): 267-286.
2011. ‘Making sense of China’s economic transformation’ (with Yu Zhang), Review of Radical Political Economics, 43 (1): 33-55. 2
2011.‘技术外溢、规模效应和内生经济增长’(与张强合著),《南开经济研 究》,2011 年第 2 期 86-99 页。
2011.‘工业化进程中的均衡和非均衡增长两部门增长与就业动态结构模型’ (与 黎贵才合著),《政治经济学评论》,第 2 卷第 3 期 129-143 页。
2010.‘世界发展危机与“中国模式”’,《政治经济学评论》,第 1 卷第 4 期 24- 35 页。
2009.‘中国作为华盛顿共识的异端’,《当代经济研究》,第 12 期 11-15 页。
2008. ‘Globalisation meets its match: lessons from China’s economic transformation’ (with Yu Zhang), Economic and Political Weekly, 43 (52): 97-102.
2007. ‘China’s quest for alternatives to neo-liberalism: market reform, economic growth, and labour’, Kyoto Economic Review, 76 (2): 193-210.
2004. ‘Towards a reinterpretation of the economics of feasible socialism’ (with Russell Smyth), Cambridge Journal of Economics, 28 (6), 1-18.
2003.‘外资与中国经济发展——区域和产业分析证据’,《经济研究》第 9 期 40-48 页。
2002. ‘Explaining the financial performance of China’s industrial enterprises: beyond the competition-ownership controversy’ (with Y.-S. Cheng), The China Quarterly, no.170: 413-440.
2001. ‘China after East Asian developmentalism’, Historical Materialism, no.8: 251-262.
2000. ‘Theories of the firm and the relationship between different perspectives on the division of labour’ (with R. Smyth), Review of Political Economy, 12 (3): 333-349.
2000.‘中国工业企业财务业绩恶化趋向的现实和理论解释’(与郑毓盛合著),《经济研 究》,第 7 期 39-47 页。
2014. ‘The state and industrial policy in Chinese economic development’ (with Mei Wu), in J.M. Salazar-Xirinachs, I. Nübler, and R. Kozul-Wright (eds.) Transforming Economies: Making Industrial Policy Work for Growth, Jobs and Development, Geneva, International Labour Office.
2013. ‘China and world development – beyond the crisis’, in N.Yokogawa, J. Ghosh and R. Rowthorn (eds.) Industrialization in China and India: Their Impacts on the World Economy, London, Routledge.
2012. ‘Centrally planned economy’ (with Yu Zhang), in B. Fine and A. Saad-Filho (eds.) Elgar Companion to Marxist Economics, London and Aldershot, Edward Elgar.2011. ‘The Washington Consensus and the China anomaly’, in K. Bayliss, B. Fine and E. van Waeyenberge (eds.) (2011) The Political Economy of Development: The World Bank, Neoliberalism and Development Research, London, Pluto Press.
2010. ‘China and the quest for alternatives to neoliberalism’ (with Yu Zhang), in A. SaadFilho and G. Yalman (eds.), Economic Transitions to Neoliberalism in Middle-Income Countries, London, Routledge.
2009. ‘China and post-crisis globalisation: towards a new developmentalism?’, in J. Gosh and C.P. Chandrasekhar (eds.) After Crisis: Adjustment, Recovery, and Fragility in East Asia. New Delhi, Tulika Books.
2008. ‘China as a “model” of utilizing foreign capital for economic development: perceptions, observations and interpretation’, in H.D. Assmann, T.M.H. Chan, and K.M. von Filseck (eds.) Perceptions and Images of China. Baden-Baden, Nomos.
2012. Alternatives to Neoliberal Globalization: Studies in the Political Economy of Institutions and Late Development. Basingstoke and London, Macmillan-Palgrave; New York, St. Martin’s.
2001.《变革性经济增长中国经济的制度与结构分析》,2001 年,北京,经济 科学出版社。
2013.‘融资约束、营运资本管理与企业创新可持续性’(与鞠晓生、虞义华合 著),《经济研究》,2013 年(第 48 卷)第 1 期 4-16 页。
2012. ‘The cost and benefit of banking regulations and controls, Chinese style’ (with Xiaosheng Ju) , PSL Quarterly Review, 66 (263): 385-402.
2012.‘马克思主义经济学的全球化理论:一个阐释’,《天津商业大学学报》, 2012 年(第 32 卷)第 1 期 3-6 页。
2011. ‘China’s economic growth, 1978-2007: structural-institutional changes and efficiency attributes’ (with Guicai Li), Journal of Post-Keynesian Economics, 34 (1): 59-84.
2011. ‘Financial governance and economic development: making sense of the Chinese experience’ (with Guicai Li and Yingquan Jiang) , PSL Quarterly Review, 64 (258): 267-286.
2011. ‘Making sense of China’s economic transformation’ (with Yu Zhang), Review of Radical Political Economics, 43 (1): 33-55. 2
2011.‘技术外溢、规模效应和内生经济增长’(与张强合著),《南开经济研 究》,2011 年第 2 期 86-99 页。
2011.‘工业化进程中的均衡和非均衡增长两部门增长与就业动态结构模型’ (与 黎贵才合著),《政治经济学评论》,第 2 卷第 3 期 129-143 页。
2010.‘世界发展危机与“中国模式”’,《政治经济学评论》,第 1 卷第 4 期 24- 35 页。
2009.‘中国作为华盛顿共识的异端’,《当代经济研究》,第 12 期 11-15 页。
2008. ‘Globalisation meets its match: lessons from China’s economic transformation’ (with Yu Zhang), Economic and Political Weekly, 43 (52): 97-102.
2007. ‘China’s quest for alternatives to neo-liberalism: market reform, economic growth, and labour’, Kyoto Economic Review, 76 (2): 193-210.
2004. ‘Towards a reinterpretation of the economics of feasible socialism’ (with Russell Smyth), Cambridge Journal of Economics, 28 (6), 1-18.
2003.‘外资与中国经济发展——区域和产业分析证据’,《经济研究》第 9 期 40-48 页。
2002. ‘Explaining the financial performance of China’s industrial enterprises: beyond the competition-ownership controversy’ (with Y.-S. Cheng), The China Quarterly, no.170: 413-440.
2001. ‘China after East Asian developmentalism’, Historical Materialism, no.8: 251-262.
2000. ‘Theories of the firm and the relationship between different perspectives on the division of labour’ (with R. Smyth), Review of Political Economy, 12 (3): 333-349.
2000.‘中国工业企业财务业绩恶化趋向的现实和理论解释’(与郑毓盛合著),《经济研 究》,第 7 期 39-47 页。
2014. ‘The state and industrial policy in Chinese economic development’ (with Mei Wu), in J.M. Salazar-Xirinachs, I. Nübler, and R. Kozul-Wright (eds.) Transforming Economies: Making Industrial Policy Work for Growth, Jobs and Development, Geneva, International Labour Office.
2013. ‘China and world development – beyond the crisis’, in N.Yokogawa, J. Ghosh and R. Rowthorn (eds.) Industrialization in China and India: Their Impacts on the World Economy, London, Routledge.
2012. ‘Centrally planned economy’ (with Yu Zhang), in B. Fine and A. Saad-Filho (eds.) Elgar Companion to Marxist Economics, London and Aldershot, Edward Elgar.2011. ‘The Washington Consensus and the China anomaly’, in K. Bayliss, B. Fine and E. van Waeyenberge (eds.) (2011) The Political Economy of Development: The World Bank, Neoliberalism and Development Research, London, Pluto Press.
2010. ‘China and the quest for alternatives to neoliberalism’ (with Yu Zhang), in A. SaadFilho and G. Yalman (eds.), Economic Transitions to Neoliberalism in Middle-Income Countries, London, Routledge.
2009. ‘China and post-crisis globalisation: towards a new developmentalism?’, in J. Gosh and C.P. Chandrasekhar (eds.) After Crisis: Adjustment, Recovery, and Fragility in East Asia. New Delhi, Tulika Books.
2008. ‘China as a “model” of utilizing foreign capital for economic development: perceptions, observations and interpretation’, in H.D. Assmann, T.M.H. Chan, and K.M. von Filseck (eds.) Perceptions and Images of China. Baden-Baden, Nomos.
《政治经济学评论》国际主编,Journal of Post-Keynesian Economics 编委。